Hotel Sheesh Mahal, Sundarnagar

Hotel Sheesh Mahal, Sundarnagar



HOTEL SHEESH MAHAL is a great choice for travelers looking for budget accommodation in Sundarnagar. It is located in Bhojpur. This Hotel stands out as one of the highly recommended hotels in Sundarnagar and is recommended by 100% of our guests. The hotel is rated 4.3 out of 5, which is considered as very good. From all the Budget hotels in Sundarnagar, HOTEL SHEESH MAHAL is very much popular among tourists. A smooth check-in/check-out process, flexible policies, and friendly management garner great customer satisfaction for this property. The Hotel has a standard Check-In time of 12:00 PM and a Check-Out time of 12:00 PM. This hotel is situated at an excellent location wherein one can spend his / her time in the hotel in the best possible manner that they desire. The hotel does complete justice to the star category allotted to it. They try their optimum to maximize the pleasure of the guests while they stay at this property. All the facilities mentioned here are provided with the best of our capacity and availability. The staff is always ready and happy to help the customers. The location of the hotel also suits the reason for the customer's stay.

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